Projekt "Eesti ja Slovakkia mesinikud õpivad koostöös"
"Estonian and Slovakian beekeepers study together in cooperation.”
Selle projektiga algatasime aktiivse koostöö kahe riigi mesinike vahel - Eesti ja Slovakkia mesinikud saavad omavahel vahetada kogemusi ja õppida.
Projekti rahastajaks on Erasmus+ Koostööprojektide taotlus 2022.
Projekti toimumise aeg 2022 - 2024.
Projekti number: 2022-1-EE01-KA210-ADU-000083853
Koostööpartnerid: MTÜ Alustame Algusest (Eesti)
Slovakkia Mesinike Liit (Slovakkia)
Slovakid käisid eestlastel külas ja õppimas 2023.aasta septembris
Sellelt lehelt leiate filmiklipid ja fotod neist toredatest päevadest, kui Slovakkia Mesinike Liidu delegatsioon oli Eestis õppimas.
Slovakkide tagasiside õpirändele
Please describe the target group who participated in the project
(student migration in Estonia) and how they benefited from it.
(student migration in Estonia) and how they benefited from it.
All participants were members of the Slovak Beekeeping Association.
The selection was precise and there were several criteria in it - that the participants were also women, that different age groups were
represented, that we had beekeeping teachers, people who are already
doing apiturism and also those who are just planning it. Also that
participants were represented beekeepers from individual regions of
Slovakia (their number from each region respected size of the region) The extent to which they will be able to use the acquired experience depends on
their current situation - some of them have immediately actively offered
to provide a program for Estonian beekeepers in Slovakia, some are still
at the stage of preparing their facilities to increase beekeeping
operations, or to provide new services.
How did you choose the participants? Why did you choose these
participants? Were there previous meetings between you and
participants before organizing the study trip to Estonia(how was
information exchanged)?
participants? Were there previous meetings between you and
participants before organizing the study trip to Estonia(how was
information exchanged)?
The recruitment of participants consisted of contacting by email and
phone those people who actively participate in professional events,
directly those who provide services in apiturism and those who are
teachers of beekeeping were also approached. For some respondents, the
deadline collided with other activities (the beginning of the school
year), but in the end it was possible to form a very well-represented
Have the participants given feedback and what was their opinion of the phone those people who actively participate in professional events,
directly those who provide services in apiturism and those who are
teachers of beekeeping were also approached. For some respondents, the
deadline collided with other activities (the beginning of the school
year), but in the end it was possible to form a very well-represented
mobility trip to Estonia? You remember that questionnaire we sent.
Please make a summary of this.
During the visits to the beekeepers, we experienced several very
inspiring moments. The top were visiting of Talimaa far and Farm Kaspri.
But every visit of beekeeper was highly appreciated as because each of
them had something interesting to draw attention to. The beekeeping
exhibition, the competition for the best honey cakes and the market with
bee products, which we experienced on the last day, were also
What did you want to achieve when you came to Estonia for the study inspiring moments. The top were visiting of Talimaa far and Farm Kaspri.
But every visit of beekeeper was highly appreciated as because each of
them had something interesting to draw attention to. The beekeeping
exhibition, the competition for the best honey cakes and the market with
bee products, which we experienced on the last day, were also
trip and were these expectations fulfilled?
Honestly, before coming to Estonia, we knew nothing about Estonian
beekeeping, we had never heard anything about it. the one-week visit
gave us a comprehensive overview, and we admired beekeeping, conditions
of honey production and the beekeeping equipment used to process bee
products. Also system of beekeeping education provided by the school in
Olustwere was very inspirative. We saw a lot in a few days, the program
was very interesting and varied. We thus gained an overview not only of
Estonian beekeeping, but also of the high quality of services in
What were the specific results (information received from Estonia) beekeeping, we had never heard anything about it. the one-week visit
gave us a comprehensive overview, and we admired beekeeping, conditions
of honey production and the beekeeping equipment used to process bee
products. Also system of beekeeping education provided by the school in
Olustwere was very inspirative. We saw a lot in a few days, the program
was very interesting and varied. We thus gained an overview not only of
Estonian beekeeping, but also of the high quality of services in
that you have implemented in your activities?
Everybody very much appreciated that we had an opportunity to meet the
top Estonian beekeepers who openly shared their lifelong experience with
us. It could be seen that they are used to hosting excursions, despite
the fact that they did not have professional equipment such as the
equipment of a lecture room or for serving lunch. In this comparison,
our excessive modesty seems to unnecessarily tie our hands and prevent
us from sharing with each other our common hobby of foreign visits.
Estonian beekeepers offered us with an open heart what they had -
excellent homemade food, where the ECO origin was an added value.
This was very inspirative for our beekeepers, who stopped worrying about
hosting so many people at their places, and offered their homes for the
excursions of Estonian beekeepers in April 2024. For many of the it was
a first experience with forign visitors.
top Estonian beekeepers who openly shared their lifelong experience with
us. It could be seen that they are used to hosting excursions, despite
the fact that they did not have professional equipment such as the
equipment of a lecture room or for serving lunch. In this comparison,
our excessive modesty seems to unnecessarily tie our hands and prevent
us from sharing with each other our common hobby of foreign visits.
Estonian beekeepers offered us with an open heart what they had -
excellent homemade food, where the ECO origin was an added value.
This was very inspirative for our beekeepers, who stopped worrying about
hosting so many people at their places, and offered their homes for the
excursions of Estonian beekeepers in April 2024. For many of the it was
a first experience with forign visitors.
Fotohetked tegevustest
Saabumine Pärnusse ning õppepäev Ülle ja Vahur Talimaa Mesila talusOlustvere mõisas ja mesindusõppes
Kaspri talus Tartumaal
Tarmo Raba apiteraapia
Gavronski viinamarjakasvatuse ja veinitalu
Tarmo Erese Õnne talus
Karksi-Nuia Meefestivali avaõhtul
Karksi-Nuia mesinduspäev
Peipsi järve ääres ja vanausuliste külas
Alatskivi lossis